Browse Articles By Tag: energy cost
the challenge to save energy has become a global conundrum. However, with these few energy saving tips for every household, not only will you be reducing your monthly bill but also joining in the global awakening to save the planet!
31.03.2016 · From TheAuthor
You know that solar power can reduce the costs to our global environment but as prices for solar power installations have fallen there cane be cost savings for your family energy bills too. This article gives some ideas about solar power system pricing.
03.06.2015 · From GreenFingers
Ways to lower your household energy consumption and consequently your electricity bills.
28.06.2012 · From jwallace
If every American home replaced just five high-use light fixtures or the bulbs in them with ones that have earned the ENERGY STAR label, each family would save more than $60 every year in energy costs, and together keep more than one trillion pounds of greenhouse gases out of the air, which roughly …
10.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
Living costs in the UK are at a record high and Britons are feeling the pinch. Looking at the major living costs for UK families is a good place to start for any household trying to get a handle on their finances and cut costs.
19.04.2012 · From froy
Comparison sites have become the first port of call for many of our everyday goods and services, but can these sites, make shopping around as simple as a few clicks of the mouse and actually save you time and money?
19.04.2012 · From froy
With a little time and effort, you can make savings in your household expenses.
29.02.2012 · From sburke
Electricity is one of the biggest outgoings for many businesses, and as such it's important that they save on it whenever they can.
07.02.2012 · From bgiles
At a time when the UK economy is not doing well and many households are finding their finances stretched, can energy suppliers justify increases in fuel prices?
04.11.2011 · From froy
Cutting costs is important in all areas of business, so you shouldn't be paying more for your electricity and gas than you have to.
03.11.2011 · From bgiles